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Article / 4th October 2019

Regenerating the planet through biodiversity-based ecological processes has become a survival imperative for the human species and all beings. It is not just a climate solution, but also a path to eradicating world hunger, explains Dr. Vandana Shiva.

Blog / 25th July 2019

The world already grows more than enough food to feed the world population. Why then do we keep getting it so wrong, acting like growing more commodity crops will end hunger? By Timothy A. Wise.

Article / 24th December 2018

Seventy percent of the world’s population is fed by small-scale producers. These producers, however, face an onslaught of threats related to economic globalisation. 

Report / 5th December 2018

Dr. Vandana Shiva presents in the report The Future of Our Daily Bread: Regeneration or Collapse new evidence on the imminent collapse of our food systems if we continue on the path of industrial agriculture. 

News / 26th November 2018

The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) of the UN General Assembly voted in favour of the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas.

News / 17th August 2018

After ten long years of negotiations in Geneva, a ‘United Nations Declaration on Rights of Peasants and other People Working in Rural Areas’ is now at the point of being finalised.

Blog / 13th June 2018

The new Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WE-All) is designed to help facilitate a transformation to an economy that meets all fundamental needs within planetary biophysical boundaries. By Robert Costanza et al.

Article / 17th May 2018


Article / 4th April 2018
Article / 19th March 2018
