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Report / 18th September 2017


Report / 1st August 2017

For over half a century the struggle against poverty has been a focus of global rhetoric. Rarely, however, do people ask the most important question: Who is going to fight poverty? This is where the concept of agroecology comes in, based on peasant farming systems - an approach that defends diversity against monoculture, and gives local markets priority over the global market. The following brochure was collaboratively produced by INKOTA-netzwerk, Brot für die Welt, FIAN, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, MISEREOR, Oxfam and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.

Report / 1st August 2017

半世紀以上にわたり、貧困との戦いは世界的なレトリックの焦点となってきました。しかし、最も重要な質問をする人はほとんどいません。「誰が貧困と戦うのか?」 ここで、小農システムに基づいたアグロエコロジーの概念が登場します。これは、モノカルチャーから多様性を守り、世界市場よりも地元市場を優先するアプローチです。以下のパンフレットは、INKOTA-netzwerk、Brot für die Welt、FIAN、Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung、Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung、MISEREOR、Oxfam、Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung によって共同制作されました。

Article / 19th July 2017

Climate change is becoming a permanent reality affecting food supplies in many parts of the world, escalating a new international food crisis in 19 countries. As the trend of increasing migratory flows worsens, there is no escape from the need for a rapid reduction in carbon emissions, writes Paul Rogers for openDemocracy.

Article / 19th July 2017


Article / 3rd May 2017

A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change, a UN report said today.

Blog / 21st April 2017

The advisory opinion of the Monsanto Tribunal reinforces what grassroots movements all over the world have been contending for decades: that the future of our food lies in the hands of small farmers, and it is the ecological model of agriculture which offers the solution to poverty, hunger and malnutrition in the world and to the crisis of climate change. By Ruchi Shroff of Navdanya International.

Article / 24th March 2017

We now need transformative policies able to open a new horizon, without poverty, with less inequality, without destroying our natural environment. Our new situation requires an urgent reflection on power relations and concrete alternatives, central to which is the reconceptualisation of social protection in terms of commons.

Report / 2nd January 2017

STWR consolidated its activities throughout 2016, with a renewed focus on our core messages and priorities as an organisation. Following the publication and marketing of our flagship publication, ‘Heralding Article 25’, we continued to promote its case for unprecedented global demonstrations towards ending hunger and life-threatening poverty.

Blog / 20th December 2016

The latest talks of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Cancun, Mexico, failed to address the systemic factors that threaten biodiversity, or the real solutions - such as community forest governance, agroecology and the strengthening of collective rights. A report on CBD COP13 from Friends of the Earth International.