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Report / 29th September 2015

持続可能な開発目標 (SDGs)- その前向きで進歩的なレトリックにもかかわらず、それが私たちが分かち合う地球の限界内で、万人の基本的ニーズを充足するための革新的アジェンダの要素を持つことはありません。この報告書は、経済的正義のために何百万人もの一般人が結束し、継続する巨大な世界的デモンストレーションを通して基本的人権の普遍的実現を要求しない限り、「あらゆる形態」の貧困の終焉はないであろうことを主張しています。

Report / 30th July 2015


Article / 12th May 2015
Blog / 6th May 2015

A new report calling for a ‘restorative economy’ seeks to stimulate a much needed debate about how we can create a fairer, more sharing-oriented society in the UK and globally. Launched as part of Tearfund’s Ordinary Heroes campaign, the report advocates for a drastic change in economic direction if a decent standard of living is to be extended to everyone on the planet, as well as future generations.

Article / 20th April 2015

As part of STWR’s ‘global call for sharing’ campaign, our latest editorial highlights how recent protest and campaigning activity is invariably focused on the need to share wealth, power and resources more fairly and sustainably, as witnessed in many recent popular mobilisations for social and economic justice across the world.

Blog / 3rd March 2015
Article / 1st February 2015


Blog / 30th January 2015

This week, a coalition of NGOs have launched a campaign for a new law in the UK that could make sure that corporations pay their fair share of taxes to public coffers. Dubbed the ‘Tax Dodging Bill’, the proposed law could generate at least £3.6 billion a year for the UK treasury (equivalent to £600 for every household below the poverty line), and billions more for developing countries.​

Blog / 23rd January 2015

At this year’s gathering of the world’s richest and most powerful at Davos, the World Economic Forum founder has urged delegates that the motto for their 2015 meeting should be ‘sharing and caring’.

Blog / 23rd January 2015
