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Articles and opinion

Article / 30th January 2020

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations issued '30 articles on the 30 articles' that summarise this historic document. Below we republish the backgrounders about the economic and social rights which are central to our campaigning activities at STWR.

Article / 30th January 2020

With its latest pronouncements on the threat of rising inequality, can we expect to see an International Monetary Fund that firmly rejects the austerity policies it has historically pushed? Unfortunately not, explains Sam Pizzigati for Inequality.org.

Article / 9th January 2020

Únase a STWR, Compartir los Recursos del Mundo, en manifestaciones para el Artículo 25 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos.

Article / 17th December 2019

To truly celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving means opening our hearts to the world’s problems of hunger, poverty, injustice and environmental crisis. If we understand the dire predicament of the societies in which we live, then it must be evident that we, too, are part of the problem, writes Rok Kralj.