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Blog / 2009年4月2日

The climate change conference in Copenhagen during March 2009 highlighted a growing gulf between science, policy and action - a fatal flaw that increases the risk of an abrupt and irreversible climatic shift. A backgrounder by STWR.

Blog / 2008年12月3日

As world nations meet in Poznan, Poland, to continue negotiations on a new climate treaty to succeed the Kyoto Protocol in 2012, serious questions are being raised about the possibility of slashing global carbon emissions by the necessary minimum of 50% by 2050. 

News / 2008年6月18日

Share The World’s Resources (STWR) attended the Climate Forum held in Camden, London, on the weekend of June 14th to host two workshops on our proposals for economic reform based upon the principle of sharing.

Article / 2008年5月19日

A collection of facts and further resources about economic development in Africa, including organisations, reports and articles.

Article / 2008年5月19日

After decades of famine, grinding poverty, colossal debts and enormous slum-growth, Africa is indisputably the worst casualty of economic globalization. As the region takes the further brunt of man-made climate change, the rich nations hold a moral responsibility to reorder economic priorities and coordinate a massive transfer of resources to the impoverished continent.

Article / 2008年5月16日


Article / 2008年5月16日

The threat of climate change and global warming, fueled by relentless commercialization and excessive consumption, has turned into a fighting ground for both policymakers and concerned citizens. The coming decade is set to determine not only a collective response to reducing carbon emissions, but the entire future direction for international development and the global justice movement.

News / 2007年12月10日

In London, STWR joined over 10,000 campaigners who braved the wind and December downpours to walk from the Houses of Parliament to the US embassy.

Article / 2007年9月1日

The neglected policy debate on ecological limits is unable to call out the elephant of unsustainable lifestyles without challenging the very premise of our economic system, writes Adam Parsons. 

Article / 2006年11月25日

Every living thing, every plant, every animal and every human being needs water to stay alive. For centuries, possibly millennia, all over the world, water was shared, for everyone’s right to this essential resource was recognised. For thousands of years legal systems have accepted that running water cannot be owned.