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News / 2010年12月9日

Plans to hand control of global climate funds over to the World Bank – an undemocratic institution recognised as one of the main drivers of current unsustainable development trends – are being met with stiff opposition. In an open letter to the governments of the world, STWR joins the call to keep the World Bank out of climate finance.

Article / 2010年11月17日

Many people have become dominated by consumerism and no longer recognise the value of our natural world or the importance of community. Indigenous cultures have a lot to teach us about sharing, sustainability, and a spiritual relationship to Mother Earth, explain Freddy Treuquil and Victor Lem Masc.

News / 2010年6月22日

STWR joined a diverse group of academics, activists and business people at the first ever international conference on steady state economics held in Leeds. 

Article / 2010年6月4日

The proposal for fewer and more evenly shared work hours seems counter-intuitive in the current economic framework. Only by removing the structural bias towards overwork and hyper-consumerism can we build lasting prosperity within ecological limits, argues Anna White.

Article / 2010年5月3日

After the failure of the Copenhagen talks, the world's social movements united in Cochabamba to establish a radical agreement that calls on governments to combine meaningful emission cuts with a wholesale transformation of the global economy, writes Anna White.

Blog / 2009年12月10日

Just as the 1999 Seattle protests against the WTO launched the global justice movement onto the world stage, Copenhagen may reveal a global civil society that has developed beyond the politics of resistance into a truly diverse, forward-looking force for change, writes Anna White.

News / 2009年9月26日

Share The World's Resources operated a stall at a Quakers conference held at Friends House, London, on the 26th September 2009. The event focussed on the possibility of a zero growth economy as well as other progressive ideas on how to alleviate poverty and combat climate change.

News / 2009年9月21日

On the 20th September, Brockwell Park hosted the annual Urban Green Fair - an independent green fair for London. Share The World's Resources operated a stall in the social justice area and enjoyed a day of discussion and promotion of alternative ideas for a sustainable future.

Article / 2009年5月29日

Following the latest weak outcome of the Commission on Sustainable Development, it is time to ask if the United Nations is achieving enough in the realm of sustainable agriculture - and to start building a grassroots movement that can forge a new vision for the future.

News / 2009年5月27日

In light of the escalating food and climate crises, STWR participated in the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) at the UN headquarters as governments, international agencies and NGOs negotiated a common position for agricultural reform.