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Blog / 2014年1月15日

In the fresh rallying call from civil society for a new future based on sharing, it is interesting to note some old examples of NGO campaigns that call for a more equitable distribution of the world’s resources – such as this Friends of the Earth dialogue from thirteen years ago that recognises how the perennial ethic of sharing is fundamental to redressing the disastrous failure of neoliberal economic policy.

Article / 2014年1月6日

As the global financial crisis now enters its seventh year, it is time to start asking difficult questions about the right priorities for popular protest if we want to realise a truly united voice of the world’s people. There can be no revolution in a truly moral or global sense until the critical needs of the extreme poor are prioritised and upheld, which will require mass mobilisations in the streets like we have never seen before.

Blog / 2014年1月6日

Many people at this time of social, political and economic turmoil are voicing the need for a ‘revolution’ in one form or another, with a major focus on all that is wrong in the world’s richest and most powerful country – the United States. Dr Zeki Ergas has taken up this question in a long political essay about the need for a second American revolution to build a better world.

Article / 2013年12月24日


Article / 2013年12月24日

You and I constitute the very system that we blame for the world’s problems, which is starkly illustrated at Christmas when we rob our fragile earth on the high streets in the name of Jesus. What better way to celebrate the birth of Christ this year than to unite under the banner of freedom and justice, and peacefully demonstrate for an end to hunger and poverty across the world.

Blog / 2013年12月6日

Is the earth alive? This question could not be more significant, suggests Charles Eisenstein, as it may not only explain why our culture has gone so far in devastating the environment, but it may also point the way to how we can save the planet from today's converging crises.

Article / 2013年9月8日


Article / 2013年8月9日

If we are concerned about stopping the enduring crime of starvation amidst plenty, we cannot restrict our actions to the level of our own country or community. We should rather think about sharing food in global terms and, above all, in relation to the politics of ending hunger.

News / 2013年7月1日

As a new era of mass public protest grows in response to social, economic and political injustice across the world, STWR's July newsletter highlights some of our recent publications that advocate for global economic sharing to become a common platform of the emerging people's voice.

Article / 2013年6月2日

The idea of sharing food has taken root in recent years as a response to our broken food systems, but does it make sense to talk about food sharing on a global basis? Perhaps it does, as long as we advocate a true form of economic sharing that addresses the power structures and politics underlying our unjust globalised food economy.