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News / 2012年11月5日

In recent months, STWR has attended a number of conferences and published various papers in which we argue the necessity of sharing global resources, and call on everyone to raise their voice for global sharing. An update of news and activities from Share The World's Resources.

Article / 2012年10月31日

Our failure to share resources has resulted in severe social consequences which cannot be divorced from any discussion about the environment. The most pragmatic way to address both these crises is to share the world's resources more equitably and sustainably.

News / 2012年10月16日

A new report by Share The World’s Resources demonstrates how governments could mobilise over $2.8 trillion every year to bolster the ‘global sharing economy’ and prevent life-threatening deprivation, reverse austerity measures and mitigate the human impacts of climate change.

Report / 2012年10月1日


Report / 2012年10月1日


Report / 2012年10月1日

A report by Share The World’s Resources demonstrates how governments could mobilise over $2.8 trillion each year to bolster the global sharing economy and prevent life-threatening deprivation, reverse austerity measures and mitigate the human impacts of climate change.

Report / 2012年10月1日

This section of the report Financing the Global Sharing Economy focuses on ending government support for fossil fuels and biofuels. The text below highlights the importance of transitioning to a low carbon economy, and demonstrates how governments could raise over $500bn each year for worthier social and environmental causes. See further resources at the end of the section under 'learn more and get involved'.

Report / 2012年10月1日

This section of the report Financing the Global Sharing Economy argues that civil society must step up their advocacy for carbon taxes. With time for effective action to tackle CO2 emissions fast running out, carbon taxes remain an important policy tool for reducing climate change and financing mitigation and adaptation programs.

Blog / 2012年6月27日

Following the ‘hoax summit' and failure of political leadership at Rio+20, it is clear that the responsibility for change rests with ordinary, engaged citizens to forge a united and informed world public opinion that is stronger than any government or vested interest.

Blog / 2012年6月20日

As we celebrate National Sharing Day, let’s make sure we advocate for sharing in all its forms. The true milestone for the Age of Sharing will be the creation of a global sharing economy that ensures we end poverty and live sustainably.