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Article / 2014年6月6日

Nevarnost ni komercializacija kot taka, temveč je nevarno naše stalno istovetenje z njeno notranjo in zunanjo manifestacijo, ki človeško inteligenco odvrača od narave in duhovne evolucije. Kaj je torej zlo drugega kot naše istovetenje z njim?

Article / 2014年6月3日

If the sharing economy movement is to play a role in shifting society away from the dominant economic paradigm, it will have to get political. And this means guarding against the co-optation of sharing by the corporate sector, while joining forces with a much larger body of activists that have long been calling - either explicitly or implicitly - for more transformative and fundamental forms of economic sharing across the world.

Article / 2014年5月30日


Article / 2014年5月30日

STWR has published various resources over recent months and years that outline how authentic forms of sharing relate to the political and economic challenges of the 21st century. Many of these blogs, articles or reports relate directly to the sharing economy, a selection of which are collated here according to four broad subheadings.

Article / 2014年4月24日

A vibrant debate is beginning to question the meaning of sharing in relation to the big questions of our time. In a recent article printed in STIR magazine, STWR argues that this emerging economic concept should not be beholden to solely personal, consumer-oriented or commercialised forms of collaboration, and must ultimately be reflected in government policies on the national and international level.

Article / 2014年3月21日

At a time when the risk of civilizational collapse is widely forewarned, it is time to recognise that the call for sharing is a cause that can unite concerned citizens working on a diverse range of interconnected global issues.

Blog / 2014年3月5日

As the Sharing Spring kicks off, more and more people are participating in localised forms of sharing in response to the failures of government and big business. While this is right and imperative, it is equally vital that citizens call upon their political representatives to integrate the principle of sharing into governmental policies on national and global levels.

Blog / 2014年2月7日

Few could disagree on the beneficial aspects of sharing resources within communities or across municipalities, but can the sharing economy in its current form represent a movement that can challenge unjust power structures and pave the way to a better world?

Article / 2014年1月28日

As the influence of multinational corporations over public policy continues unabated, the key challenge for those campaigning for social and environmental justice is how to redistribute political power back into the hands of ordinary people.

Article / 2014年1月21日

Can the sharing economy movement address the root causes of the world’s converging crises? Unless the sharing of resources is promoted in relation to human rights and concerns for equity, democracy, social justice and sustainability, then such claims are without substantiation – although there are many hopeful signs that the conversation is slowly moving in the right direction.