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Finance and debt

Article / 22nd October 2014

In this ongoing series of studies by STWR’s founder, Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi, he investigates the meaning and significance of the principle of sharing from spiritual and psychological as well as social, economic and political perspectives.

Article / 12th August 2014

¿Cómo podemos generar conciencia de que el compartir es la solución a una crisis planetaria, y la última esperanza que nos queda para rehabilitar un mundo dividido? Es central a esta pregunta el problema de los “ismos”, en los cuales nuestra complacencia se ha intelectualizado a fin de justificar su existencia como normal.

Article / 24th July 2014

“Compartir es la clave para resolver los problemas del mundo”. Tal declaración es tan simple que puede fracasar en hacer un llamamiento, por lo que si queremos comprender lo que significa debemos ir mucho más profundo en esta materia.

Report / 17th June 2014

In an increasingly unequal and unsustainable world, governments must urgently move beyond the restrictive political and economic ideologies of the past and embrace solutions that meet the common needs of people in all countries. This primer outlines the extent of the interconnected global crises we face, and points the way towards an alternative approach to managing the world’s resources based upon international cooperation and economic sharing.

Article / 6th June 2014

Nevarnost ni komercializacija kot taka, temveč je nevarno naše stalno istovetenje z njeno notranjo in zunanjo manifestacijo, ki človeško inteligenco odvrača od narave in duhovne evolucije. Kaj je torej zlo drugega kot naše istovetenje z njim?

Article / 30th May 2014


Article / 30th May 2014

STWR has published various resources over recent months and years that outline how authentic forms of sharing relate to the political and economic challenges of the 21st century. Many of these blogs, articles or reports relate directly to the sharing economy, a selection of which are collated here according to four broad subheadings.

Article / 3rd April 2014


Blog / 7th February 2014

Few could disagree on the beneficial aspects of sharing resources within communities or across municipalities, but can the sharing economy in its current form represent a movement that can challenge unjust power structures and pave the way to a better world?

Article / 21st January 2014

Can the sharing economy movement address the root causes of the world’s converging crises? Unless the sharing of resources is promoted in relation to human rights and concerns for equity, democracy, social justice and sustainability, then such claims are without substantiation – although there are many hopeful signs that the conversation is slowly moving in the right direction.