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Article / 2014年1月6日

As the global financial crisis now enters its seventh year, it is time to start asking difficult questions about the right priorities for popular protest if we want to realise a truly united voice of the world’s people. There can be no revolution in a truly moral or global sense until the critical needs of the extreme poor are prioritised and upheld, which will require mass mobilisations in the streets like we have never seen before.

Article / 2013年5月13日

The social, environmental and economic crises that continue to reap havoc across the globe provide a critical opportunity for ordinary people to demand economic reform and political transformation, say STWR in an interview with John Habets & Henk Gloudemans.

Article / 2013年1月14日

There are many policies that governments could implement to raise the finances needed to reverse austerity measures, tackle climate change and prevent needless poverty-related deaths. But we cannot rely on governments to change the current world direction - the only hope is a huge groundswell of popular support in favour of global sharing.

Report / 2012年10月1日


Report / 2012年10月1日

「グローバルな分かち合いの経済に融資する」のこのセクションは、 債務救済が世界の財源のさらに公平な分かち合いを保証するための必要条件であり、そして不当な債務の完全な無条件帳消しが国際社会の緊急の優先事項に含まれるべきことを論議します。

Report / 2012年10月1日

A report by Share The World’s Resources demonstrates how governments could mobilise over $2.8 trillion each year to bolster the global sharing economy and prevent life-threatening deprivation, reverse austerity measures and mitigate the human impacts of climate change.

Report / 2012年10月1日

This section of the report Financing the Global Sharing Economy demonstrates how governments could raise as much as $650bn globally through a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) to tackle poverty, reverse austerity measures and address climate change.

Report / 2012年10月1日

This section of the report Financing the Global Sharing Economy makes the case for redistributing the IMF's assets through its Special Drawing Rights facility and gold sales. These modest proposals could help restore the IMF's flagging legitimacy and prepare the way for more substantial reforms to the global economic architecture.

Report / 2012年10月1日

This section of the report Financing the Global Sharing Economy argues that debt cancellation is an essential prerequisite for ensuring a more equitable sharing of global financial resources, and the absolute and unconditional cancellation of unjust debts should constitute an urgent priority for the international community.

Article / 2011年9月23日

Finding ways to increase tax revenue is critical if developing countries are to fund essential public services and reduce poverty. Global reforms to tackle tax evasion and policies to strengthen the capacity of national revenue authorities should be a top priority for development cooperation, argues Adam Parsons.