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Article / 2018年8月20日


Article / 2018年6月13日

There are increasing warnings of an imminent new financial crisis, not only from the billionaire investor George Soros, but also from eminent economists associated with the Bank of International Settlements, the bank of central banks.

Report / 2018年6月4日


Article / 2018年5月31日

According to the latest report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), in total, countries around the world spent $ 1.739 billion on arms in 2017. Although there was a marginal increase of 1.1 percent rise in real terms on 2016, the total global spending in 2017 is the highest since the end of the cold war.

Article / 2018年5月31日

A new report reveals how western banks and governments turn a blind eye to billions of pounds’ worth of wealth, generated across west Africa, that is squirrelled away offshore, often out of sight of the tax authorities. By Phillip Inman.

Blog / 2018年5月17日

Thirty-one countries across the world are now in debt crisis, with a further 82 at risk, according to new figures released by the Jubilee Debt Campaign on 16 May. The figures are being released on the 20th anniversary of the G8 meeting in Birmingham (UK) 1998, when 70,000 people formed a human chain around the summit and called for unpayable developing country debt to be cancelled.

Report / 2018年5月4日

Throughout 2017 STWR continued to strengthen and promote our case for global economic sharing, particularly in relation to our core advocacy position as an organisation. All of our work related to the need for a united people’s voice that speaks on behalf of the least advantaged, giving the highest priority to the prevention of extreme human deprivation across the world.

Report / 2018年5月3日

Finance for poor countries to help them reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and deal with climate change is lagging behind the promises of rich countries, an Oxfam report finds.

Article / 2018年4月29日

Come possiamo creare la consapevolezza che la condivisione è la soluzione alla crisi planetaria, e la nostra speranza per recuperare un mondo diviso? Il nocciolo di questa domanda è il problema degli “ismi”, che sono l’intellettualizzazione del nostro auto-compiacimento che così giustifica e normalizza la sua esistenza.

Blog / 2018年4月25日

This week, executive directors of the World Bank were handed a letter signed by more than 80 civil society organizations and trade unions from around the world, urging a change in the bank’s approach to public-private partnerships.