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Article / 2017年5月14日


Report / 2017年5月3日

A new study by the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex University and the New Weather Institute points to historical evidence that the sort of rapid, large scale social and economic change needed in the face of climate destabilisation has occurred before and could do so again.

Article / 2017年3月24日

We now need transformative policies able to open a new horizon, without poverty, with less inequality, without destroying our natural environment. Our new situation requires an urgent reflection on power relations and concrete alternatives, central to which is the reconceptualisation of social protection in terms of commons.

Article / 2017年2月6日

Since the financial crash of 2008, followers of mainstream economic dogma haven't changed their tune much. But an ever-growing legion of dissenting economists are challenging these cherished myths, as summarised by the New Internationalist in a classic edition of the magazine from December 2015.

Article / 2017年1月4日

World Basic Income (WBI) is a campaign organisation with a proposal to achieve greater social justice through the provision of unconditional cash transfers. World basic income differs from national-level basic income initiatives in that it would gather money at the global level, and distribute it to every person worldwide.

Report / 2017年1月2日

STWR consolidated its activities throughout 2016, with a renewed focus on our core messages and priorities as an organisation. Following the publication and marketing of our flagship publication, ‘Heralding Article 25’, we continued to promote its case for unprecedented global demonstrations towards ending hunger and life-threatening poverty.

Report / 2016年12月13日

Collecting tax is one of the key means by which governments are able to address poverty. But big business is dodging tax on an industrial scale, depriving governments across the globe of the money they need to address poverty and invest in healthcare, education and jobs, according to a new report by Oxfam.

Article / 2016年12月12日


Article / 2016年10月18日

The route to reducing inequality is not through generating more philanthropic endeavour, but rather through transformative solutions that rely on sacrifice and sharing—hence altering the production and distribution of wealth and power in fundamental ways, argues Michael Edwards in openDemocracy.

Article / 2016年10月12日