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Article / 2018年7月13日

A long standing proposal for the creation of a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) is slowly gathering momentum.

News / 2018年6月26日

Every two seconds, someone in the world was forcibly displaced in 2017, according to a new report by the U.N. Refugee Agency.

Article / 2018年6月15日

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is one of the most translated and celebrated documents in the world, marking its 70th anniversary this year. But relatively few people are aware of the significance of its 25th Article, which proclaims the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living.

Article / 2018年6月13日

Reducing inequality is one of the central pledges of the SDGs, appearing as a stand-alone goal (SDG 10) and as a cross-cutting commitment to “leave no one behind”. Reducing inequality requires resources; both (re)distributing currently available resources more fairly, and raising more resources to invest in goods and services which tackle inequality.

Blog / 2018年6月13日

The new Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WE-All) is designed to help facilitate a transformation to an economy that meets all fundamental needs within planetary biophysical boundaries. By Robert Costanza et al.

Article / 2018年4月29日

Come possiamo creare la consapevolezza che la condivisione è la soluzione alla crisi planetaria, e la nostra speranza per recuperare un mondo diviso? Il nocciolo di questa domanda è il problema degli “ismi”, che sono l’intellettualizzazione del nostro auto-compiacimento che così giustifica e normalizza la sua esistenza.

Blog / 2018年4月25日

This week, executive directors of the World Bank were handed a letter signed by more than 80 civil society organizations and trade unions from around the world, urging a change in the bank’s approach to public-private partnerships.

Report / 2018年3月8日

One year into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the most pressing question is whether the Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be implemented in ways that are universal and integrated, and that protect and even extend human rights.

News / 2018年3月8日

More than half a billion of the world’s poorest children are invisible to the international organisations that could help them most.

News / 2018年3月2日

No African country is expected to reach the UN target of ending childhood malnutrition by 2030, according to a new study.