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Report / 2012年10月1日


Report / 2012年10月1日


Report / 2012年10月1日

A report by Share The World’s Resources demonstrates how governments could mobilise over $2.8 trillion each year to bolster the global sharing economy and prevent life-threatening deprivation, reverse austerity measures and mitigate the human impacts of climate change.

Report / 2012年10月1日

This section of the report Financing the Global Sharing Economy makes the case for redistributing the IMF's assets through its Special Drawing Rights facility and gold sales. These modest proposals could help restore the IMF's flagging legitimacy and prepare the way for more substantial reforms to the global economic architecture.

News / 2010年12月9日

Plans to hand control of global climate funds over to the World Bank – an undemocratic institution recognised as one of the main drivers of current unsustainable development trends – are being met with stiff opposition. In an open letter to the governments of the world, STWR joins the call to keep the World Bank out of climate finance.

Report / 2010年12月8日

Since Thomas Malthus first warned of an impending population explosion in 1798, the idea that there are too many people in the world for everyone to share in the earth’s bounty is one of the most persistent and widespread myths in popular thinking on development...

Report / 2010年12月8日

Never in the history of cities have there been so many projects for improving slums and the living conditions of the urban poor by international aid agencies, development banks and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). But just as state policies have failed to meet the needs of the urban poor in most low- and middle-income countries...

Report / 2010年12月8日

Is it realistic to talk about an end to slums at any point in the future? Or does the same view hold for ‘slums’ as for those who proclaim against global poverty: “the poor have always been with us, and always will be!” For some modern writers, the evidence suggests that the future of cities is a foregone and forbidding conclusion, a “planet of slums”...

Article / 2010年4月1日

While the United Nations recently claimed victory for the Millennium Development Goal on slums, the global population of slum-dwellers continues to grow. It is time for governments and civil society to give the problem of urban poverty the attention it deserves.

News / 2010年3月12日

The world urgently needs a more democratic international decision-making forum to promote an equitable sustainable economic recovery. STWR joins with civil society groups from around the world to call for greater inclusion and transparency in global governance.