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Article / 2018年2月14日

CIVICUS speaks with Barbara Adams, senior policy analyst at the Global Policy Forum (GPF), on the problem of private finance within the UN development system, and the need for civil society action in response to these growing trends.

Report / 2018年2月14日

The report ‘Justice for People and Planet’ shows how corporate power has been used to repeatedly abuse and violate human and environmental rights, written by Greenpeace with assistance from SOMO.

Blog / 2018年2月5日

Measuring humanity’s ecological footprint is essential for keeping its demands within the planet’s biocapacity, a minimum requirement for sustainability, writes Mathis Wackernagel from the Global Footprint Network.

News / 2018年2月2日

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was formed in 1945 to ensure the stability of the international monetary system. The letter below to IMF Directors has been signed by more than 50 prestigious economists and development specialists, concerned on IMF’s social protection and labour reforms.

News / 2018年2月2日

国際通貨基金(IMF)は、国際通貨システムの安定を確保するために1945年に設立されました。 以下のIMF理事への手紙は、IMFの社会的保護と労働改革を懸念して、50人以上の著名な経済学者と開発専門家によって署名されています。

Article / 2017年12月24日

È arrivata l’ora in cui dobbiamo manifestare in milioni non contro questo o quello, ma piuttosto per chi siamo

Article / 2017年12月22日

A new dedicated website by the P2P Foundation explains the meaning of and relationship between the Commons and peer-to-peer (P2P) frameworks, and details how a growing movement for a commons transition is poised to reinvigorate labor, politics, production, and carework – from both an interpersonal and environmental perspective.

Report / 2017年12月18日

The United States, one of the world’s richest nations and the “land of opportunity”, is fast becoming a champion of inequality, according to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston.

Article / 2017年12月14日

At least half of the world’s population cannot obtain essential health services, according to a new report from the World Bank and the World Health Organization.

Article / 2017年12月11日

‘Latin America returns to the global economy’. That’s the message that Argentina’s right-wing President Macri wants world leaders to take away from the World Trade Organisation’s 11th Ministerial Summit in Buenos Aires.