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Blog / 2015年7月29日

Compartir Los Recursos Del Mundo (STWR) ha editado una nueva publicación importante sobre la necesidad de una movilización masiva de la sociedad civil para terminar con el hambre y la pobreza que ponen en peligro la vida, como una prioridad absoluta para los gobiernos del mundo, lo que requerirá un levantamiento sin precedentes de la gente común en nombre de los menos privilegiados entre nosotros.

Article / 2015年6月15日

To realise the true potential of sharing and collaborative consumption we need to challenge the prevailing economic model, particularly the excesses of consumer culture and the widening of inequalities that are an inherent feature of modern capitalist societies.

Article / 2015年6月15日


Article / 2015年3月18日

It’s time to broaden the debate on how to fund a universal basic income by including options for sharing resource rents, which is a model that can be applied internationally to reform unjust economic systems, reduce extreme poverty and protect the global commons.

Article / 2015年2月1日


Article / 2015年1月16日

Wie können wir zu der Erkenntnis gelangen, dass Teilen die Lösung für eine planetare Krise ist, und unsere einzig noch verbleibende Hoffnung für die Sanierung einer geteilten Welt? Diese Frage ist bei der Betrachtung der Ismen von zentraler Bedeutung, denn wir haben unsere Selbstgefälligkeit intellektualisiert, um sie als normal zu rechtfertigen.

News / 2014年12月8日

Share The World’s Resources (STWR) has launched a new campaign in order to catalyse a broader public debate on the need to strengthen and scale up diverse forms of economic sharing at the local, national and global level.​

Report / 2014年12月4日

This report demonstrates how a call for sharing underpins many existing initiatives for social justice, environmental stewardship, true democracy and global peace. On this basis, STWR argues that sharing should be more widely promoted as a common cause that can help connect civil society organisations and social movements under a united call for change.

Report / 2014年12月4日


Blog / 2014年11月10日

Civil society groups at the United Nations are highlighting a powerful new movement in our midst based on caring, sharing, community and cooperation - and they propose a comprehensive vision for how governments can unleash its full potential.