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Article / 2016年8月4日

The Human Rights Council adopted by consensus two important resolutions reaffirming that access to medicines and enhancing capacity building in public health are fundamental elements for achieving the full realization of the right to health, write Adriano José Timossi and Viviana Muñoz-Tellez.

Article / 2016年8月1日

We can rapidly realise the human rights of the world’s poor through global institutional reforms that reduce inequality and share the planet's natural resource wealth, argues Professor Thomas Pogge.

Article / 2016年7月12日

At the close of UNCTAD's 14th session, a coalition of civil society organisations call for a new development model that is inclusive and socially just, in which governments uphold their obligations to provide social services and guarantee Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Article / 2016年5月18日

At a recent gathering in Brazil, an alliance of campaign groups reaffirmed their call for a binding international instrument to address human rights abuses committed by transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

Article / 2016年5月5日

As part of STWR’s ‘global call for sharing’ campaign, we are periodically highlighting the growing public debate on the need for wealth, power and resources to be shared more equitably both within countries and internationally.

Blog / 2016年4月16日

Establishing a globally agreed tax body under the auspices of the United Nations and putting an end to dubious tax avoidance activities would bolster government revenues and help finance the provision of essential public services, especially in the Global South.

News / 2016年2月22日

STWR's February newsletter coincides with the World Day for Social Justice 2016 and presents a round-up of the latest news, articles and blogs by STWR, including the launch of a new Japanese website and a look ahead to forthcoming publications.

Article / 2016年2月19日

The pursuit of social justice has long been fundamental to the UN’s mandate to promote equitable development and human dignity for all, and the theme for this year’s social justice day is ‘A Just Transition - environmentally sustainable economies and societies’.

Report / 2016年2月19日

Nach so vielen Jahren der politischen Untätigkeit, kann nur der gute Wille des Volkes ein Ende der Armut, in einer Welt des Überflusses, durch enorme und kontinuierliche Proteste in allen Ländern herbeiführen, schreibt Mohammed Mesbahi.

Report / 2016年2月4日

Después de tantos años de inactividad política sólo la buena voluntad en masa de las personas comunes puede poner fin a la pobreza en un mundo de abundancia a través de enormes y continuas protestas en todos los países, escribe Mohammed Mesbahi.