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Blog / 2016年9月13日

As world leaders gear up for the first ever UN Summit on refugees and migrants, civil society organisations already expect the summit to fail to agree any concrete steps for governments to share the responsibility for dealing with the escalating crisis. That is why calls for putting the equitable sharing of responsibility into practice will continue well after the Summits, reports Josephine Liebl of Oxfam International.

Blog / 2016年9月13日

企業権力は人類の歴史においてかつてないレベルに達しており、多くの場合国家権力を取るに足らないものにしています。Global Justice Nowのアイシャ・ドッドウェル氏が説明するように、市民社会団体が多国籍企業と人権に関する法的拘束力のある世界条約を目指す新たな国連の取り組みを支持しているのはこのためです。

Blog / 2016年9月13日

The power of corporations has reached a level never before seen in human history, often dwarfing the power of states. That is why civil society organisations are backing the new UN initiative for a legally binding global treaty on transnational corporations and human rights, as explained by Aisha Dodwell of Global Justice Now.

Blog / 2016年9月13日


Article / 2016年9月7日

According to a new report by Friends of the Earth International, it is a gross injustice that the world’s richest multinational corporations and individuals do not pay their fair share of taxes and continue to pollute without limit. But we can stop tax avoidance and use that money for building sustainable and just societies through a clean energy revolution.

Report / 2016年9月5日

Po tako številnih letih politične neaktivnosti lahko revščino v svetu obilja izkorenini samo množični izraz volje do dobrega navadnih ljudi na množičnih in nenehnih protestih v vseh državah sveta. Pojdimo torej po poti najmanjšega odpora in skupaj razglasimo že dolgo dogovorjene človekove pravice iz 25. člena Splošne deklaracije človekovih pravic.

Article / 2016年8月31日

The UN is a place of contrast between selfishness and sharing, and represents the major battle line for the future of humanity’s soul and collective wellbeing. It is the locus for the emergence of higher values concerning humanity as a whole, and the rebirth of the race as a Planetary Entity, writes Donald Key.

Article / 2016年8月18日

If the Sustainable Development Goals are to become a reality, what has to be done, and what specific policy changes are necessary at the international level? The Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has produced the first annual Spotlight Report assessing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the structural obstacles in its realization, with contributions from many prominent civil society observers.

Article / 2016年8月18日

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Right to Development, the Human Rights Council held a Panel discussion at the Palais des Nations (Geneva) on 15 June 2016. As argued in a speech by the South Centre, this Declaration remains an important framework for the achievement of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, and it has an enduring practical relevance for the key global issues of our time.

Article / 2016年8月11日

The world already produces enough food to feed everyone. But the only way to eliminate hunger by 2030 is to implement well-designed social protection and scale up pro-poor investments - and the world can easily afford the needed investments, argue Hilal Elver and Jomo Kwame Sundaram.