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Individual signatures

Below is a list of individuals that support the global call for sharing

2314 individuals have signed the statement as of 09/12/2014
Date First name Last name Country
09/12/2014 Juan José Iturrate Spain
09/12/2014 Luis Ignacio Diez Martinez Spain
09/12/2014 Nancy Roof United States
09/12/2014 Nigel England New Zealand
09/12/2014 Karoline Duchene Germany
09/12/2014 Mónica Ladrón de Guevara Spain
09/12/2014 Desdra Dawning United States
09/12/2014 Rik Masterson United States
09/12/2014 Daniel Key United Kingdom
09/12/2014 Miodrag Dakic Bosnia and Herzegovina
09/12/2014 Andrew Cressey United Kingdom
09/12/2014 Paul Cook United Kingdom
09/12/2014 Bryce Wandrey United Kingdom
09/12/2014 Tamae Ishiwatari Japan
09/12/2014 Ahmad Kokash Netherlands
09/12/2014 Wasma Alhusainy Netherlands
09/12/2014 Justin Furuta United States
09/12/2014 Pauline van Tol Netherlands
09/12/2014 Nora Murad Palestinian Territory
09/12/2014 Lorenza Simona Switzerland
09/12/2014 Salvador Repeto Spain
09/12/2014 Wolfgang Danneberg Germany
09/12/2014 Heinz Christian Tobler Switzerland
09/12/2014 Nikolas Aguilar Spain
09/12/2014 Bouche Jennifer France
09/12/2014 Hugo Arcaute Spain
09/12/2014 Juan Calvo Sanz Spain
09/12/2014 Naoto Ozutsumi Japan
09/12/2014 Anna King United Kingdom
09/12/2014 Bayden Ellison United Kingdom