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Individual signatures

Below is a list of individuals that support the global call for sharing

2314 individuals have signed the statement as of 14/03/2018
Date First name Last name Country
14/03/2018 Mark Simpson United States
09/03/2018 Naria Perez Argentina
08/03/2018 Daisy Wiles Holt United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Chris Ware United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Indar Picton-Howell United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Clare Calascione United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Mark Keir United Kingdom
08/03/2018 John Bowman United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Nick Martin United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Daniela Figueiredo United Kingdom
08/03/2018 David Finney United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Janet Pentony United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Marijke McCartney United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Andrew Wainwright United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Will Hemmings United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Barbara Czoch United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Robert Ashby United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Gerald Hartley United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Sue Hartley United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Eleanor Richards United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Dave Smith United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Ivor Hueting United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Phillip Wearne United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Anne Bentham United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Steve Goodman United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Tanja Rebel United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Anne Farrington United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Geoffrey Pogson United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Lou Goodger United Kingdom
08/03/2018 Sally Philip United Kingdom