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Article / 2008年12月17日


Article / 2008年11月4日

The following talk was given at a seminar hosted by World Goodwill on the theme "Human Rights, Spiritual Responsibilities - A Crisis for Democracy?", held in London on the 1st November 2008.

Article / 2008年11月4日

The economic freedom promised through the liberalisation of market forces has, in reality, resulted in a freedom for the very few and a contradiction of the promise that increased wealth will be shared. Hence the calls are ringing out for a new alliance of the global justice movement, says Adam Parsons.

News / 2008年11月1日

STWR was invited to present a talk at a seminar held by World Goodwill in London on November 1st 2008, an event in support of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Article / 2008年5月19日

A collection of facts and further resources about economic development in Africa, including organisations, reports and articles.

Article / 2008年5月19日

A collection of facts, organisations, reports and further resources about education from a global perspective.

Article / 2008年5月19日

Education, health and shelter are three basic and essential services long enshrined as a fundamental human right in the Universal Declaration of 1948, but ever since contradicted by the grave reality of life for a large swathe of the world population. Still more than one billion people lack access to basic health care services, another one billion people (the majority of them women) lack even a basic education, and almost two billion people live in overcrowded and poor quality housing - with at least another 100 million people living homeless worldwide.

Article / 2008年5月19日

A collection of facts, organisations, reports and further resources about access to water from a global perspective.

Article / 2008年5月19日

A collection of facts, organisations, reports and further resources about the land crisis from a global perspective.

Article / 2008年5月19日

A collection of facts, organisations, reports and further resources about education from a global perspective.