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Article / 2014年10月22日

In this ongoing series of studies by STWR’s founder, Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi, he investigates the meaning and significance of the principle of sharing from spiritual and psychological as well as social, economic and political perspectives.

Article / 2014年10月3日

As the further evidence comes to light of how our economic systems are decimating the natural world, sharing is fast emerging as the central theme in the discourse on how to ensure prosperity for all within planetary boundaries.

Article / 2014年8月8日

Če smo zainteresirani, da zaustavimo trajno kriminalno ravnanje, ki sredi obilja povzroča stradanje, svojih aktivnosti ne smemo omejiti samo na raven svoje lastne države ali lokalne skupnosti. Rajši razmišljajmo o medsebojni delitvi hrane na globalni ravni in, pred vsem drugim, v povezavi s politiko dokončnega izkoreninjenja lakote.

Article / 2014年7月15日

TTIP is the latest bid to capture policymaking by the profit-making interests of the 1%, with dire implications for anyone who upholds a vision of a more equitable and sustainable economic order. 

Report / 2014年6月17日

In an increasingly unequal and unsustainable world, governments must urgently move beyond the restrictive political and economic ideologies of the past and embrace solutions that meet the common needs of people in all countries. This primer outlines the extent of the interconnected global crises we face, and points the way towards an alternative approach to managing the world’s resources based upon international cooperation and economic sharing.

Article / 2014年5月30日


Article / 2014年4月3日


Article / 2014年1月28日

As the influence of multinational corporations over public policy continues unabated, the key challenge for those campaigning for social and environmental justice is how to redistribute political power back into the hands of ordinary people.

Article / 2013年7月10日

As the concept of sharing slowly begins to grip the public consciousness, there are many questions that arise about the meaning and relevance of this simple concept for political and economic reform. Here is a brief overview of some of the main queries - and misconceptions - that often arise in discussions on economic sharing.

Article / 2013年1月14日

There are many policies that governments could implement to raise the finances needed to reverse austerity measures, tackle climate change and prevent needless poverty-related deaths. But we cannot rely on governments to change the current world direction - the only hope is a huge groundswell of popular support in favour of global sharing.