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Report / 2018年4月18日

While the USA and China are stepping into one the potential biggest fights on trade measures in decades, Friends of the Earth Europe is presenting concrete proposals for an innovative trade agenda that serves citizens and the environment.

News / 2018年4月12日


Article / 2018年4月12日

To curb rising inequality, global leaders must work together to stop the flow of illicit wealth and mitigate tax avoidance, write John Irons & Xavier de Souza Briggs in theStanford Social Innovation Review.

Article / 2018年3月19日


Report / 2018年3月8日

One year into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the most pressing question is whether the Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be implemented in ways that are universal and integrated, and that protect and even extend human rights.

Blog / 2018年2月5日

Growing inequality is not inevitable; it is created socially. If elites are at all serious about tackling the growing gap between the super rich and the rest of us, they know what they have to do - but who will act? By Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram for IPS News.

Blog / 2018年1月2日

The distributive concept of the 21st century is not about redistribution, but about sharing the sources of wealth from the start. An interview with Kate Raworth, by Triodos bank.

Article / 2017年12月11日

‘Latin America returns to the global economy’. That’s the message that Argentina’s right-wing President Macri wants world leaders to take away from the World Trade Organisation’s 11th Ministerial Summit in Buenos Aires.

Article / 2017年10月25日

Social movements from around the world are in Geneva this week to push the United Nations to adopt a binding treaty on corporations and human rights. Dorothy Guerrero explains why it is a crucial fight for Global Justice Now.

Article / 2017年10月18日

Globally, 108 million people faced food crises in 2016, compared to about 80 million in 2015 – an increase of 35%, according to the 2017 Global Report on Food Crises. Another 123 million people were ‘stressed’, contributing to around 230 million such food insecure people in 2016, of whom 72% were in Africa.