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Article / 2017年9月28日

'A sensible and effective foreign policy recognizes that our safety and welfare is bound up with the safety and welfare of others around the world.' By Bernie Sanders.

Report / 2017年3月24日

Take a closer look behind the flowery language, and it reveals that corporate influence on the G20 discourse entails considerable risks and side-effects. It's time to the imbalances in G20 policies, and the double standards in its openness towards business and civil society - for which substantial reforms are necessary. A new report by Jens Marten for Heinrich Böll Stiftung and Global Policy Forum.

Report / 2017年3月16日

Women’s rights advocates have for years pointed out the negative impacts of inequalities on women’s human rights, on economies and on societies. Many organisations are not only analysing the cross-border impacts of domestic policy, but also showing the universality of human rights - to ensure that women’s rights know no borders. A new report by Barbara Adams and Karen Judd of Global Policy Watch.

Article / 2017年3月4日

Poorer countries routinely put more resources at the disposal of donor country interests than they receive in foreign aid—but it doesn't have to be this way. The idea of implementing a system of global taxation is gaining ground, and may open up a pathway towards an authentic system of redistribution across national borders, writes David Sogge for Open Democracy.

Blog / 2017年2月17日

The latest set of disturbing data from the UN shows that finance has been flowing out of developing countries at least since 2004, with sobering implications explains Jesse Griffiths from Eurodad.

Report / 2017年1月2日

STWR consolidated its activities throughout 2016, with a renewed focus on our core messages and priorities as an organisation. Following the publication and marketing of our flagship publication, ‘Heralding Article 25’, we continued to promote its case for unprecedented global demonstrations towards ending hunger and life-threatening poverty.


Report / 2017年1月2日


Report / 2016年12月20日

Global Financial Integrity (GFI), the Centre for Applied Research at the Norwegian School of Economics and a team of global experts have released a study showing that since 1980 developing countries lost US$16.3 trillion dollars through broad leakages in the balance of payments, trade misinvoicing, and recorded financial transfers.

Article / 2016年12月14日

The Fight Inequality Alliance aims to bring together activists and organisations to tackle inequality globally and within all countries. The Alliance stands together to build a world of greater equality – where all people’s rights are respected and fulfilled, a world of shared prosperity, opportunity and dignity, living within the planet’s boundaries. Read the current draft of the shared vision below.

Report / 2016年12月5日

We urgently need a new approach to trade that prioritizes the needs of people and planet. This discussion paper by the Sierra Club asks the question: What, then, will it take for trade and investment agreements to support – not undermine – action on climate change?