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Blog / 2012年11月16日


Report / 2012年10月1日


Report / 2012年10月1日

A report by Share The World’s Resources demonstrates how governments could mobilise over $2.8 trillion each year to bolster the global sharing economy and prevent life-threatening deprivation, reverse austerity measures and mitigate the human impacts of climate change.

Report / 2012年10月1日

This section of the report Financing the Global Sharing Economy argues that a dramatic change of paradigm is needed if rich nations and global institutions are to stop forcing developing countries to liberalise their economies through unfair trade rules.

Report / 2010年12月26日


Article / 2009年8月26日


Article / 2009年8月26日

Poverty and social conditions are widely acknowledged to be the major causes of ill health in developing countries. This report explains how greater international economic sharing is the first step towards achieving the longstanding goal of health care for all.

Article / 2008年5月19日

A collection of facts and further resources about economic development in Africa, including organisations, reports and articles.

Article / 2008年5月19日

The failure of the IMF, World Bank and WTO to represent and further the interests of the developing world, through their one-size-fits-all approach, has lead to the collapse of trade negations, widespread criticism of their effectiveness, and bitter international protest. Many countries are rejecting the neoliberal ideologies of the ‘unholy trinity’ with intensifying calls for their reform or decommissioning.

Article / 2008年5月19日

After decades of famine, grinding poverty, colossal debts and enormous slum-growth, Africa is indisputably the worst casualty of economic globalization. As the region takes the further brunt of man-made climate change, the rich nations hold a moral responsibility to reorder economic priorities and coordinate a massive transfer of resources to the impoverished continent.