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News / 3rd April 2019

Debt repayments by the world’s poorest countries have doubled since 2010 to reach their highest level since just before the internationally organised write-off in 2005, campaigners have warned.

Article / 8th February 2019

We need a politics of finance for the 99 percent in which public and democratically accountable finance is used to invest in water, health care and education as well as ecologically sound industries, writes Lavinia Steinfort for the Transnational Institute.

Report / 29th November 2018

The global food system is broken, leaving billions of people either underfed or overweight and driving the planet towards climate catastrophe, according to 130 national academies of science and medicine across the world.

Article / 9th October 2018

When the global financial crisis resurfaces, we the people will have to fill the vacuum in political leadership. It will call for a monumental mobilisation of citizens from below, focused on a single and unifying demand for a people’s bailout across the world.

Blog / 2nd October 2018

Redistribution via the tax code, progressives on both sides of the Atlantic are realizing, only takes us so far. We need to start limiting inequality before it can dig in, writes Sam Pizzigati for Inequality.org.