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News / 21st February 2020

A new study has found that as much as a sixth of foreign aid intended for the world's poorest countries has flowed into bank accounts in tax havens owned by elites.

Blog / 13th January 2020

Poorer countries are cutting public spending in response to a “growing debt crisis”, campaigners have warned.

News / 25th November 2019

Less than 10% of EU aid money reaches the countries where it is most needed, according to a study that found levels of assistance had dropped for the second year running.

Report / 16th November 2019

In einer zunehmend ungleichen und nicht nachhaltigen Welt müssen die Regierungen dringend die restriktiven politischen und wirtschaftlichen Ideologien der Vergangenheit überwinden und Lösungen finden, die den gemeinsamen Bedürfnissen der Menschen in allen Ländern gerecht werden. 

Blog / 25th October 2019

It's time to reclaim the policy space lost to footloose capital by creating a new public realm at the global level, writes Richard Kozul-Wright for openDemocracy's Oureconomy.