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Article / 28th November 2018

The world must get serious about matching multilateral money with multilateral needs, and devote at least 2% of world income to global public goods. And the time has come to think again about new global taxes, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.

News / 26th November 2018

The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) of the UN General Assembly voted in favour of the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas.

Article / 19th November 2018

By removing all discussions about power from their agenda, the SDGs reinforce the status quo of socio-political relations, writes Katerina Gladkova for the Transnational Institute.

Blog / 12th October 2018

World leaders will meet in Geneva next week to start negotiating a new international law to ensure companies respect human rights and the environment in their global operations. But a lack of support from European governments is putting this vital United Nations treaty at risk.

Article / 9th October 2018

When the global financial crisis resurfaces, we the people will have to fill the vacuum in political leadership. It will call for a monumental mobilisation of citizens from below, focused on a single and unifying demand for a people’s bailout across the world.