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Blog / 5th July 2018

The root cause of our immigration problems arise out of gross global inequalities, and will have to be dealth with at the international level, sooner or later. Any quest for a solution should also rest on the foundation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, says Peter Marcuse.

Blog / 28th June 2018

"Despite the obvious correlation between Western-sustained wars and the EU’s refugee crisis, no moral awakening is yet to be realized." By Ramzy Baroud.

News / 26th June 2018

Every two seconds, someone in the world was forcibly displaced in 2017, according to a new report by the U.N. Refugee Agency.

Article / 31st May 2018

According to the latest report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), in total, countries around the world spent $ 1.739 billion on arms in 2017. Although there was a marginal increase of 1.1 percent rise in real terms on 2016, the total global spending in 2017 is the highest since the end of the cold war.

News / 25th April 2018

Donors and governments meeting Tuesday and Wednesday for the Brussels II conference must take the opportunity to bring change for the millions of vulnerable Syrians in their war-torn country and in the region by following through on previous commitments to protect displaced people and fund the aid response.