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A full list of STWR's publications as well as related news, articles and blogs can be found below. You can filter the content using the 'category' or 'topics' links in the menu on the left. 

News / 10th December 2007

In London, STWR joined over 10,000 campaigners who braved the wind and December downpours to walk from the Houses of Parliament to the US embassy.

Report / 27th September 2007

This report presents an analysis of the effectiveness of the United Nations and outlines measures which can significantly reform the body to ensure that it can more readily realise its humanitarian mandate and exert greater control over the global economy.

News / 24th September 2007

To coincide with the Labour Party conference in the UK, STWR published a full page open letter in The Guardian (Monday 24th September) and Modern Gov magazine (handed to all party conference attendees in the UK) which directly addressed Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Article / 1st September 2007

The neglected policy debate on ecological limits is unable to call out the elephant of unsustainable lifestyles without challenging the very premise of our economic system, writes Adam Parsons. 

Report / 13th August 2007

An investigation into the common denominators behind the escalating environmental, financial and political crises, and an examination of how greater economic sharing can lead to a more sustainable world. By Adam Parsons.