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Report / 2017年2月28日

#Die wahre Sharing Economy repräsentiert das Ende einer Ära, definiert von Streben nach Gewinn und wettbewerbsfähigem Eigeninteresse, während ein neues Zeitalter des zwischenstaatlichen Austausches und der Zusammenarbeit in einer Welt, die solch eine Fülle von Finanzkapital und verfügbaren Ressourcen hat, erst durch die Beendigung des weltweiten Hungers beginnen kann. 

Article / 2017年2月28日

A new publication by The Great Transition Initiative provides an inspiring vision of a more equal, vibrant and sustainable civilisation. From STWR’s perspective, all that it lacks is a sufficient focus on the critical needs of the very poorest citizens—which could ultimately forge the global solidarity needed to bring that new world into being.​

Article / 2017年2月7日

Is it a viable prospect to create a direct mechanism for transferring a universal basic income to all the world’s people? Not before we bring about a huge united voice of ordinary citizens in favour of sharing the world’s resources to end hunger and life-threatening poverty once and for all, argues STWR.​

Report / 2017年2月6日

A real circular economy would expand the definition of the circular economy to one where its operating system is regenerative not only towards nature, but also people; meaning wealth is equitably circulated and shared. A new report by Sharon Ede explains how relocalising production with not-for-profit business models helps build resilient and prosperous societies.

Article / 2017年1月27日

We need to disavow ourselves of our misplaced trust in robotisation, and instead focus our energies on creating a truly fair and sustainable economy. The leisure society will only be achieved if we learn to live more locally within our planetary means - for there is enough stuff to go around already, if only we shared it out better, argues Rupert Read.

Blog / 2017年1月25日

The New Economics Foundation has long made the case for a richer relationship with 'stuff' that can help turn the tables on our abusive consumer culture. The good news is that a new form of materialism is already emerging; everywhere people are beginning to make, do, share and get involved, writes Ruth Potts.

Article / 2017年1月4日

World Basic Income (WBI) is a campaign organisation with a proposal to achieve greater social justice through the provision of unconditional cash transfers. World basic income differs from national-level basic income initiatives in that it would gather money at the global level, and distribute it to every person worldwide.

Report / 2017年1月2日

STWR consolidated its activities throughout 2016, with a renewed focus on our core messages and priorities as an organisation. Following the publication and marketing of our flagship publication, ‘Heralding Article 25’, we continued to promote its case for unprecedented global demonstrations towards ending hunger and life-threatening poverty.

Article / 2016年12月20日

Can we get back to the equalizing, 'share-the-wealth' policies of the post-war era? Of course we can — the obstacles are political, not economic, writes Robert Kuttner.

Article / 2016年12月19日

Vincent Lassalle is a political researcher who is currently undertaking a 9 month long study focused on the question of post-industrial transition. During his recent time in London, UK, he visited STWR to learn more about our work and perspectives on international economic sharing as central to the process of global transformation.