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Blog / 2022年9月14日

Human rights advocates could be more active in using human rights tools to transform economic thought and practice, particularly in holding private and public economic actors accountable for their actions.

Blog / 2022年9月2日

50 years ago, the report ‘The Limits of Growth’ was published — and its scenarios turned out surprisingly accurate. But we can still change course, writes Jayati Ghosh

Report / 2022年8月3日

Ekonomija delitve pomeni konec starih načinov, ki jih opredeljujejo tekmovalni sebični interesi in hlastanje po dobičku, nova doba meddržavne delitve in sodelovanja pa se bo začela šele s končanjem lakote v svetu, ki ima tako obilo finančnega kapitala in razpoložljivih virov. 

Blog / 2022年6月15日

Share The World’s Resources (STWR) have published a new version of our most popular book title – The Commons of Humanity, by Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi.

Article / 2022年2月25日

Join eighteen organisations and key individuals working in the global justice sector across nineteen countries in ditching the word “aid” and replacing it with more accurate alternatives in our communications. 

Report / 2022年1月20日

Ne moremo si resno zamisliti nove ekonomske paradigme za upravljanje skupnih zemeljskih virov brez poglobljenega razmisleka o potrebi po vsesvetovni psihološki in družbeni preobrazbi, s katero se bo zavedanje povprečnega človeka razširilo v smeri sprejemanja skupnega dobrega za celotno človeštvo.

Blog / 2022年1月12日

STWR have published a book of the classic text by Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi, titled ‘The Sharing Economy: Inaugurating an Age of the Heart’.

Report / 2021年12月7日

The sharing economy represents the end of the old ways defined by the pursuit of profit and competitive self-interest, while a new age of intergovernmental sharing and cooperation can only begin through the channel of ending hunger in a world that has such an abundance of financial capital and available resources. 

Report / 2021年11月22日

For at least the last 30 years, not a single country has met the basic needs of its residents without overconsuming natural resources, according to new research led by the University of Leeds.

Blog / 2021年5月7日

Over 90 million people across the EU live at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Yet the Union's current action plan doesn't come near to the pledge of ‘no poverty’ made at the United Nations.