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Blog / 2020年11月12日

In a forum discussion by The Great Transition Initiative, two panels debate the question: Should a UBI be a central element of strategies for transformation? The following is a contribution from STWR.

Blog / 2020年11月9日

'Amid a pandemic that has taken over a million lives, we urge the same level of imagination as the drafters of the Universal Declaration over seventy years ago.' By Gabriela Bucher and Olivier De Schutter.

Report / 2020年10月26日

A new book lays out a progressive agenda for the post-COVID era, which relies on a global Green New Deal, a serious shift of resources from the military to human needs, a major upgrade in international cooperation, and a significant commitment to economic equity. 

Report / 2020年7月30日


Report / 2020年7月28日

The immediate introduction of a Temporary Basic Income for the world’s poorest people could slow the current surge in COVID-19 and enable close to three billion people to stay at home, according to a new report from the United Nations Development Programme.

Report / 2020年7月20日

2019年のSTWRの活動は、飢餓と貧困を根絶するための世界規模の大規模な市民運動のビジョンを促進するという主要な目標に焦点を当て続けました。 2019年の活動と今後の計画の詳細をご覧ください。

Article / 2020年6月10日

How can we stop the overshoot of our planet’s capacity and reach fair sharing at the same time? The Dutch Footprint Group present their proposal based on equal rights for all, written by Jan Juffermans for Resilience.org.

News / 2020年6月10日


News / 2020年6月7日

With Europe facing the greatest social challenge in its history since the second world war, ministers from Spain, Italy and Portugal are calling for a common EU approach to a minimum income.

Blog / 2020年6月5日
