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Report / 2019年11月22日

The following interview with STWR’s founder, Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi, examines both the contemporary political and profounder spiritual implications of sharing the world’s resources in relation to the escalating climate emergency.

Report / 2019年11月16日

In einer zunehmend ungleichen und nicht nachhaltigen Welt müssen die Regierungen dringend die restriktiven politischen und wirtschaftlichen Ideologien der Vergangenheit überwinden und Lösungen finden, die den gemeinsamen Bedürfnissen der Menschen in allen Ländern gerecht werden. 

Article / 2019年10月4日

After centuries of enclosure, privatisation and colonisation, it's time that the commons were returned to all of us, writes Guy Standing in openDemocracy.

Blog / 2019年6月26日

In conventional economics, growth is recorded as a good thing in itself, even if it comes at the cost of social and environmental breakdown. If we considered growth to be a means to an end, what would that end be? What would we call it, and what comes after it? 

Blog / 2019年6月12日

Instead of endless growth, can we put human health and welfare at the heart of the global economy, the prime policy goal of governments and business alike? By Ben Martin for the Green Economy Coalition.

Report / 2019年4月16日

A major new UN-led report warns that a comprehensive overhaul of the world’s financial system is necessary if governments are to honour commitments to combatting climate change and eradicating poverty by 2030.

Report / 2018年2月1日


Article / 2017年10月19日


Report / 2017年10月2日


News / 2017年6月27日

A Special Rapporteur of the United Nations held a panel discussion on universal basic income and the future of human rights on June 8, 2017, in which the prospects for achieving this progressive policy were discussed alongside prominent supporters.