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Report / 2017年5月12日

A new primer explains the origins of the commons and P2P, how they interrelate, their movements and trends, and how a Commons transition is poised to reinvigorate work, politics, production, and care, both interpersonal and environmental. Co-published by the P2P Foundation and the Transnational Institute.

Report / 2017年5月12日

We must build the case for a new social commons, and urgently, because we’re in danger of losing what we’ve taken for granted for half a century. The old order of politics, including the post-war welfare settlement, is crumbling. So can we envisage a social commons that people shape and control democratically, based on pooled resources, collective action and mutual aid? A report by the New Economics Foundation.

Article / 2017年5月3日

The hegemony of the growth-based model often prevents people from questioning its core assumptions. But the building blocks of a new economy are within reach, central to which is the need to decouple growth from prosperity, explains Tim Jackson in an interview with Allen White. Reposted from the Great Transition Initiative.

Report / 2017年4月12日

We are unable to seriously envision a new economic paradigm for managing the earth’s shared resources, unless we first contemplate the need for a psychosocial transformation across the world, whereby the awareness of the average person is expanded to embrace the common good of humanity as a whole. 

Article / 2017年4月8日

It’s time to write a new economic story fit for this century – one that sees the economy’s dependence upon society and the living world, writes Kate Raworth for openDemocracy’s Transformation.

Article / 2017年3月24日

We now need transformative policies able to open a new horizon, without poverty, with less inequality, without destroying our natural environment. Our new situation requires an urgent reflection on power relations and concrete alternatives, central to which is the reconceptualisation of social protection in terms of commons.

Article / 2017年3月24日

Today, a new value regime is being born, one that is not based on surplus value created in the market through capital and labour, but through contributions that are recognized as such by ‘sovereign value communities’. The question is: how can we, ourselves, create and control the surplus value that we create through our work, and reinvest it in autonomous peer production communities?

Article / 2017年3月8日

What is the answer to ending the suffering of the most marginalised people? Our only hope is a ceaseless demand for guaranteeing Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which could eventually open the door to a global basic income for all, writes Sonja Scherndl.

Article / 2017年3月4日

Poorer countries routinely put more resources at the disposal of donor country interests than they receive in foreign aid—but it doesn't have to be this way. The idea of implementing a system of global taxation is gaining ground, and may open up a pathway towards an authentic system of redistribution across national borders, writes David Sogge for Open Democracy.

Article / 2017年3月3日

The Republic of Ecuador, currently chair of the largest single coalition of developing countries at the United Nations, is reviving a longstanding campaign for the creation of an inter-governmental UN tax body and the elimination of tax havens and illicit financial flows.