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Article / 2016年12月14日

The Fight Inequality Alliance aims to bring together activists and organisations to tackle inequality globally and within all countries. The Alliance stands together to build a world of greater equality – where all people’s rights are respected and fulfilled, a world of shared prosperity, opportunity and dignity, living within the planet’s boundaries. Read the current draft of the shared vision below.

Article / 2016年12月12日

La verdadera economía del compartir representa el fin de los viejos modos definidos por la búsqueda del lucro y el interés propio competitivo, mientras que una nueva era de compartir y cooperación intergubernamentales sólo puede comenzar a través del canal de acabar con el hambre en un mundo que tiene tanta abundancia de capital financiero y recursos disponibles. 

Article / 2016年12月7日

COP22 again highlighted the mismatch between illusive policymaking and the stark reality of global warming. As always, it was left to civil society groups to uphold a vision of global cooperation and economic sharing as the only path towards a sustainable future.

Blog / 2016年11月8日

On November 15, the first meeting of the European Commons Assembly(ECA) will take place in Brussels to discuss, showcase, and bring into practice the commons in and for Europe.

Report / 2016年10月26日

Das folgende Interview mit Mohammed Mesbahi, Gründer von STWR, untersucht sowohl die gegenwärtige politische also auch die tiefere spirituelle Bedeutung der Notwendigkeit, die Ressourcen der Welt in Bezug auf den eskalierenden Klimawandel zu teilen.

Blog / 2016年10月18日

The newly selected UN Secretary-General António Guterres should convene a world conference on tax avoidance and evasion, the abolition of tax havens and the protection of whistleblowers, urges the UN’s Independent expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, Alfred de Zayas.

Article / 2016年10月4日

A rapidly growing global web of tax havens is one of the key drivers of global inequality, allowing some of the world’s super rich to pay no taxes or far less than they should. Now is the time for a historic ethical pact to finally deliver tax justice to the world, and to end the existence of tax havens altogether, writes Rafael Correa.

Article / 2016年9月27日

Read a selected archive of STWR editorials that highlight the growing debate on sharing, with a round-up of sharing-related news, articles, reports and other activities from our monthly newsletters over the years.

Article / 2016年9月27日

Much has been made of the basic unfairness in how responsibility is shared between nations for ameliorating the refugee crisis. But the real question is the level of economic sharing that is needed to deal with its root causes, when the international response continues to be woefully inadequate.

Article / 2016年9月13日

There are many questions still to be answered in the growing literature on the commons, central to which is the role of the state in respecting and fulfilling our basic socioeconomic rights. The ‘commons’ can become a very strong discourse and practice to re-order today’s progressive political forces, but does it mean we have to abandon universal claims of equality and human rights? An enquiry by Francine Mestrum.