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Article / 2008年11月4日

The economic freedom promised through the liberalisation of market forces has, in reality, resulted in a freedom for the very few and a contradiction of the promise that increased wealth will be shared. Hence the calls are ringing out for a new alliance of the global justice movement, says Adam Parsons.

Article / 2008年5月19日

Pushing back against the unrepresentative and undemocratic nature of decision-making, the nebulous ‘global justice movement' has become a dynamic new player in international politics. The movement's advocates fight on a number of causes, including the demand for a greater say for people rather than international technocrats in matters that will most affect the general public; a fight against large-scale inequalities of power, opportunity and wealth; and resistance to the further privatisation of national and community resources.

Article / 2008年5月19日

As neoliberal policies continue to define the rules of the world economy, great signs of change are being witnessed in many progressive governments of Latin America that are rejecting the Washington Consensus in favour of democratic and people-oriented models of development based on greater regional integration, cooperation and economic justice.

News / 2007年12月10日

In London, STWR joined over 10,000 campaigners who braved the wind and December downpours to walk from the Houses of Parliament to the US embassy.

News / 2007年9月24日

To coincide with the Labour Party conference in the UK, STWR published a full page open letter in The Guardian (Monday 24th September) and Modern Gov magazine (handed to all party conference attendees in the UK) which directly addressed Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Article / 2007年7月23日

A renewed air of questioning is being felt in the movement for global justice. Non-governmental organisations are wondering what to do next after the campaigns for more aid, less debt and better trade are proving inadequate to counter the sheer scale of mass poverty, whilst activists raising awareness of climate change have never been more prominent and yet overwhelmed by the task ahead. ...

News / 2007年6月7日

To coincide with this week's G8 Summit, STWR have published a full page open letter in the The Guardian (6th June) and The Independent (7th June) newspapers directly addressing the Ministers. 

News / 2007年6月2日

STWR attended and ran a series of workshops at the first ever United States Social Forum (USSF) held in Atlanta, Georgia, from June 27-July 1 - the first in a series of regional gatherings aimed at decentralising the World Social Forum

Article / 2005年2月1日


News / 2004年10月19日

We would like to thank all our members, contributors and the public for their valuable efforts and keen interest in our work at the European Social Forum last weekend.