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News / 2020年3月25日


Article / 2020年1月9日

Únase a STWR, Compartir los Recursos del Mundo, en manifestaciones para el Artículo 25 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos.

Blog / 2020年1月7日

The UN's 2019 report on human development is timely in view of the widespread social unrest in many countries that derives, to a large extent, from the inequalities this report analyses. By Yossi Mekelberg.

News / 2020年1月1日

Share The World’s Resources (STWR) have released a book version of the pioneering publication by Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi, titled 'Heralding Article 25: A people's strategy for world transformation'.

Blog / 2019年12月2日

Human rights advocates should be as concerned with the economic injustices giving rise to recent worldwide demonstrations, as with the repressive responses to them writes Ignacio Saiz for the Centre for Economic and Social Rights.

Blog / 2019年12月2日

The waves of protests breaking out in country after country around the world beg the question: Why aren’t Americans rising up in peaceful protest like our neighbors? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies.

Blog / 2019年11月25日

A global civic participation campaign calls for the creation of a World Citizens’ Initiative on the occasion of the UN’s 75th anniversary. This new instrument could enable individual citizens to influence the world organization’s work, writes Andreas Bummel and Bruno Kaufmann.

Report / 2019年11月22日

The following interview with STWR’s founder, Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi, examines both the contemporary political and profounder spiritual implications of sharing the world’s resources in relation to the escalating climate emergency.

Report / 2019年11月16日

In einer zunehmend ungleichen und nicht nachhaltigen Welt müssen die Regierungen dringend die restriktiven politischen und wirtschaftlichen Ideologien der Vergangenheit überwinden und Lösungen finden, die den gemeinsamen Bedürfnissen der Menschen in allen Ländern gerecht werden. 

Blog / 2019年10月30日

We are witnessing the biggest surge in global protest activity since the early 2010s, when a "movement of the squares" saw mass rallies in capital cities across the Arab world, followed by Occupy demonstrations in the global north, writes Jack Shenker.