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Article / 2014年7月18日

How can we bring about an awareness that sharing is the solution to a planetary crisis, and our last remaining hope for rehabilitating a divided world? Central to this question is the problem of 'isms', in which our complacency has intellectualised itself in order to justify its existence as being normal.

Article / 2014年7月15日

TTIP is the latest bid to capture policymaking by the profit-making interests of the 1%, with dire implications for anyone who upholds a vision of a more equitable and sustainable economic order. 

Article / 2014年7月5日

Ha llegado la hora en la que debemos manifestarnos de a millones no contra esto o aquello, sino más bien por quiénes somos.

Article / 2014年7月2日

August 2013 marked STWR’s 10th anniversary and signalled the beginning of a new phase in the organisation’s work. Campaigning for economic sharing is now at the forefront of STWR’s activities, and our research program has been reoriented to support this goal.

Report / 2014年6月17日

In an increasingly unequal and unsustainable world, governments must urgently move beyond the restrictive political and economic ideologies of the past and embrace solutions that meet the common needs of people in all countries. This primer outlines the extent of the interconnected global crises we face, and points the way towards an alternative approach to managing the world’s resources based upon international cooperation and economic sharing.

Article / 2014年5月7日

世界中の善意の人々をひとつに結ぶことは、地球規模の社会変革への私たちの最後の希望です。人類の大部分が、分かち合い、慈悲、正義に基づいて結集しなければなりません - これは、最大の緊急性の中で達成が可能であり、また達成されなければなりません。

Article / 2014年5月7日

Uniting the people of goodwill throughout the world is our last remaining hope for social transformation on a planetary scale. A vast bulk of humanity has to come together on the basis of sharing, compassion and justice – which can and must be achieved with the greatest possible urgency.

Article / 2014年4月24日

A vibrant debate is beginning to question the meaning of sharing in relation to the big questions of our time. In a recent article printed in STIR magazine, STWR argues that this emerging economic concept should not be beholden to solely personal, consumer-oriented or commercialised forms of collaboration, and must ultimately be reflected in government policies on the national and international level.

Article / 2014年3月21日

At a time when the risk of civilizational collapse is widely forewarned, it is time to recognise that the call for sharing is a cause that can unite concerned citizens working on a diverse range of interconnected global issues.

Blog / 2014年3月5日

As the Sharing Spring kicks off, more and more people are participating in localised forms of sharing in response to the failures of government and big business. While this is right and imperative, it is equally vital that citizens call upon their political representatives to integrate the principle of sharing into governmental policies on national and global levels.