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Article / 2013年1月22日


Article / 2013年1月22日

Campaigners have long proposed measures to reduce extreme inequality, but policymakers remain fixated on an economic model that threatens to undermine the fabric of society. When will the political elite heed the growing demands for redistribution that are being voiced in countless reports, books and public protests?

Article / 2013年1月18日

Land value taxation embodies the principle that natural resources are the creations of nature and should therefore belong to society as a whole, not individuals – and as STWR acknowledges, the ramifications of this conceptual shift for a more just and sustainable world are potentially immense.

Article / 2013年1月14日

There are many policies that governments could implement to raise the finances needed to reverse austerity measures, tackle climate change and prevent needless poverty-related deaths. But we cannot rely on governments to change the current world direction - the only hope is a huge groundswell of popular support in favour of global sharing.

Blog / 2013年1月9日

Oxfam's chief executive makes some thought-provoking observations about transitioning to a sustainable and just world, and points towards an important question: what will it take to spur a mass engagement of ordinary people around the need to end poverty and social injustice?

News / 2012年12月17日

In the last newsletter of 2012, STWR highlights some recent events and discussions on rethinking the global economic order and scaling up sharing in our societies, and stresses the importance of everyone getting involved in the emerging debate around global sharing.

Blog / 2012年11月9日

What should we make of President Obama's election victory this week? Only one thing is for sure: the intense focus on the bombast of politicians is somewhat misplaced, and we still await the public to rise up in a concerted call for sharing and justice.

Article / 2012年11月6日

Today, it seems that the idea of sharing is being discussed in almost any context except the political economy. This may be understandable, but if we're serious about ending poverty and healing the environment perhaps it's about time that we all start talking about global sharing.

News / 2012年11月5日

In recent months, STWR has attended a number of conferences and published various papers in which we argue the necessity of sharing global resources, and call on everyone to raise their voice for global sharing. An update of news and activities from Share The World's Resources.

Article / 2012年10月31日

Our failure to share resources has resulted in severe social consequences which cannot be divorced from any discussion about the environment. The most pragmatic way to address both these crises is to share the world's resources more equitably and sustainably.