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Article / 2011年10月13日

経済危機が悪化するとともに、政府の第一の責任は、誰もが飢餓で死ぬことがないように政治的および経済的システムを再設計することです。 しかしこれは、比類のない公衆の支持の上昇なしには決して起こらないでしょう。 

Blog / 2011年7月10日

In almost every region of the world today, the people are rising up. In the Middle East and North Africa, a revolutionary wave of protests swept across the Arab world and continues to escalate in many countries, not least in Libya and Syria.

Article / 2011年2月23日

Protesters in the Arab world have much in common with those reacting to austerity across Europe, as well as the millions who have mobilised in support of ending poverty in the South. What we may be witnessing is an emerging public voice in favour of a fundamental reordering of global priorities.

Article / 2010年12月20日

In the space of a few weeks, a nationwide protest movement has emerged in Britain characterised by intelligent, humorous and peaceful direct actions. The question that remains is whether it can connect with the popular protests in other countries through its fundamental call for equality and justice, writes Adam Parsons.

Report / 2010年12月8日

The deep-seated myth that the poor are to blame for their conditions of poverty echoes back to the earliest days of industrialisation in Western Europe. With a perverse inversion of cause and effect, the prevalence of extreme urban poverty and slum settlements is blamed...

Article / 2010年10月20日

The grassroots movement for economic localisation represents a positive and practical response to the challenges of food insecurity, climate change, peak oil and financial instability. Governments should support this alternative vision for sustainable, human-scale development, writes Anna White.

News / 2010年5月17日

Food reserves are a valuable tool in addressing the structural causes of hunger. In a joint letter with concerned civil society groups worldwide, STWR calls on governments and institutions to put the issue of reserves at the centre of their policy considerations.

Article / 2010年5月10日

'Going local' currently remains a fringe, grassroots process made up of small-scale initiatives. The real question is how to steer government priorities away from big business and global finance, and to gain political and popular support for an economy geared toward localisation, writes Anna White.

Blog / 2009年12月10日

Just as the 1999 Seattle protests against the WTO launched the global justice movement onto the world stage, Copenhagen may reveal a global civil society that has developed beyond the politics of resistance into a truly diverse, forward-looking force for change, writes Anna White.

News / 2009年4月1日

Share the World's Resources joined thousands of protesters on Saturday 28th March to march through the streets of London, advocating for the leaders of the upcoming G20 Summit to ‘Put People First!’.