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News / 2012年10月16日

A new report by Share The World’s Resources demonstrates how governments could mobilise over $2.8 trillion every year to bolster the ‘global sharing economy’ and prevent life-threatening deprivation, reverse austerity measures and mitigate the human impacts of climate change.

Report / 2012年6月27日

If world leaders and policymakers are paying merely lip service to the unfolding human and environmental catastrophe, is the growing power of the people's voice sufficient to challenge the immense forces that stand in the way of creating a just and sustainable world?

Blog / 2012年6月27日

Almost a week since the Rio+20 Earth Summit ended, civil society is coming to terms with the ‘epic failure’ of global leaders to agree meaningful action for addressing the worsening planetary and social crises.

Blog / 2012年6月27日

Following the ‘hoax summit' and failure of political leadership at Rio+20, it is clear that the responsibility for change rests with ordinary, engaged citizens to forge a united and informed world public opinion that is stronger than any government or vested interest.

Article / 2012年6月11日


Article / 2012年5月2日

Wenn es uns ein Anliegen ist, die andauernde, und auch kriminelle Hungersnot in einer Welt des Überflusses zu beenden,  können wir unser Handeln nicht nur auf unser Land oder unsere Gemeinde beschränken. Stattdessen sollten wir das Teilen der Nahrungsmittel auf einer globalen Ebene ins Auge fassen, vor allem hinsichtlich einer Politik, den Hunger abzuschaffen, sagt Mohammed Mesbahi

Blog / 2012年2月23日

The world situation as we approach the spring of 2012 is both formidable and unprecedented.

Blog / 2011年12月15日

The events of 2011 may well go down in history as constituting the most significant turning point of modern times.

Article / 2011年12月13日

As the economic crisis worsens, the foremost responsibility of governments is to redesign our political and economic systems so that no-one dies of hunger. But this will never happen without an unparalleled uprising of public support.

News / 2011年11月25日

The study of business and economics remains largely disconnected from moral, social and spiritual considerations. Alongside leading thinkers from civil society, STWR has endorsed a statement calling for a new economy based on shared ethics and values.