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Article / 2013年9月8日


Article / 2013年8月9日

If we are concerned about stopping the enduring crime of starvation amidst plenty, we cannot restrict our actions to the level of our own country or community. We should rather think about sharing food in global terms and, above all, in relation to the politics of ending hunger.

News / 2013年7月1日

As a new era of mass public protest grows in response to social, economic and political injustice across the world, STWR's July newsletter highlights some of our recent publications that advocate for global economic sharing to become a common platform of the emerging people's voice.

Article / 2013年6月4日

A new project by the Post Growth Institute is exploring the prospect of a mainstream shift toward not-for-profit enterprise as an alternative to the growth-based model of business and finance. Could this form a crucial plank in the vision for a new economy based on sharing and cooperation, rather than competition and endless consumption?

Article / 2013年6月2日

The idea of sharing food has taken root in recent years as a response to our broken food systems, but does it make sense to talk about food sharing on a global basis? Perhaps it does, as long as we advocate a true form of economic sharing that addresses the power structures and politics underlying our unjust globalised food economy.

Article / 2013年5月13日

The social, environmental and economic crises that continue to reap havoc across the globe provide a critical opportunity for ordinary people to demand economic reform and political transformation, say STWR in an interview with John Habets & Henk Gloudemans.

News / 2013年3月26日

Read about STWR's work in 2012 and some of our planned participation at events over the coming year in the newsletter for March, which includes a run-down of recent articles and posts as well as an overview of our upcoming research priorities and a website redesign.

News / 2013年2月21日

Our latest Annual Review provides an overview of STWR’s key activities over the course of 2012 as well as an insight into our plans for 2013, which include a website redesign, the publication of further reports and our involvement in a number of upcoming events.

Article / 2013年2月12日

The seed freedom movement is an inspiring example of how the principle of sharing is central to resolving the crisis in agriculture, and highlights the urgency of resisting the powerful agribusinesses that seek to eliminate biodiversity and criminalise the saving and sharing of seed.

Article / 2013年2月9日

In order to stimulate further public engagement and activism on global issues, it is important for those promoting the sharing economy to place far greater emphasis on the environmental and social benefits of sharing rather than any purely personal benefits, such as financial gain.