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Sonja Scherndl

Author info: 

Sonja Scherndl is the campaigns coordinator at Share The World's Resources (STWR) and can be contacted at sonja [at] sharing.org

Latest publications

Blog / 16th August 2021

STWR have initiated a new crowdfunder to raise money for advertising our campaign across central London, UK.

Blog / 16th August 2021

STWR would like to thank everyone who contributed to our Billboard Project to advertise the campaign for Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Blog / 4th May 2021

Imagine what could be achieved if just a portion of the money spent on military expenditures were pooled into a global fund, and redirected towards ending hunger and massively investing in public health systems. 

Article / 21st July 2020

STWR hat eine Plakatkampagne für Werbetafeln gestartet, die in den kommenden Monaten laufen wird. Die Plakate werden anfangs in vielen der Londoner U-Bahn-Stationen sein, um damit eine große Wirkung zu erzielen.

Article / 15th June 2020

Nur durch eine friedliche Massenbewegung auf globaler Ebene, die in erster Linie die Bedürfnisse der Ärmsten berücksichtigt, können wir endlich den Weg in eine gleichberechtigte, nachhaltigere und integrativere Zukunft beschreiten, schreibt Sonja Scherndl.

Blog / 5th June 2020

Only through a peaceful mass movement on a global scale, putting the needs of the poorest first and foremost, will we finally set foot on the road to a more equal, sustainable and inclusive future, writes Sonja Scherndl.

Article / 8th March 2017

What is the answer to ending the suffering of the most marginalised people? Our only hope is a ceaseless demand for guaranteeing Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which could eventually open the door to a global basic income for all, writes Sonja Scherndl.