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Article / 2020年4月2日


Article / 2020年4月2日

Sign a petition from the International Peace Bureau (IPB) calling for a dramatic reduction of military spending in favour of healthcare and meeting social needs.

Blog / 2020年1月14日

現在の米軍事費のどれだけ僅かな割合で世界の飢餓と極貧を永久に根絶できるかを、World Beyond War(戦争を超えた世界)の広告板は浮き彫りにしています。

Blog / 2020年1月13日

A billboards project from World Beyond War highlights how little of current U.S. military spending could permanently end hunger and extreme poverty globally.

News / 2019年12月13日

According to OCHA’s “Global Humanitarian Overview 2020,” 168 million people worldwide will need assistance in the coming year — the “highest figure in decades.”

Report / 2019年11月16日

In einer zunehmend ungleichen und nicht nachhaltigen Welt müssen die Regierungen dringend die restriktiven politischen und wirtschaftlichen Ideologien der Vergangenheit überwinden und Lösungen finden, die den gemeinsamen Bedürfnissen der Menschen in allen Ländern gerecht werden. 

Blog / 2019年9月25日

Every dollar of public money financing US militarism abroad is a dollar that could fight hunger, homelessness, or climate change, writes Medea Benjamin for openDemocracy. 

Report / 2019年6月7日

The world’s 10 most under reported displacement crises— which have rendered millions of people homeless– have continued to worsen due either to political neglect, a shortage of funds or lack of media attention, according to a new report released by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

Article / 2019年5月17日

In his 900th column for openDemocracy, Paul Rogers shows how economics and climate demand a new approach to international security.

Article / 2019年3月8日

At long last the political debate in the world’s richest country is vibrant with proposals that would help the most vulnerable in our society. And what do we hear in response? A growing chorus of naysayers.