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News / 2019年1月30日

Conflict-driven hunger is getting worse, according to a snapshot of the eight places in the world with the highest number of people in need of emergency food support, and the link between them is “all too persistent and deadly” according to a new report delivered to the UN Security Council.

Article / 2018年12月24日

The UN General Assembly is set to vote on the final draft of the global compact on refugees as a basis for a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world’s refugees.

Article / 2018年12月24日

Numerous political leaders from all over the world are gathered these days in Marrakech, under the auspices of the UN, to sign a new migration agreement: the Global Compact for Migration.

Article / 2018年12月24日


News / 2018年10月25日

Yemen is sliding fast toward what could become one of the worst famines in living memory, the UN’s top emergency relief official has warned.

News / 2018年9月10日

More than half a million children in conflict zones could die from extreme hunger before the end of the year, new research by Save the Children shows.

Article / 2018年8月20日


Blog / 2018年7月20日

Migrants around the world are facing new barriers to humanitarian aid and public services as some governments have criminalized or sought to limit efforts to help refugees, sometimes in a bid to deter migration—and often in violation of human rights, according to (pdf) a new report by the International Red Cross.

Blog / 2018年7月5日

The root cause of our immigration problems arise out of gross global inequalities, and will have to be dealth with at the international level, sooner or later. Any quest for a solution should also rest on the foundation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, says Peter Marcuse.

Blog / 2018年6月28日

"Despite the obvious correlation between Western-sustained wars and the EU’s refugee crisis, no moral awakening is yet to be realized." By Ramzy Baroud.