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News / 2017年6月30日


News / 2017年6月30日

Top United Nations officials today declared that ending the occupation is the only way to lay the foundations for enduring peace that meets Israeli security needs and Palestinian aspirations for statehood and sovereignty.

Article / 2017年6月22日

The number of people forced to flee their homes by war and persecution has risen to record levels for the third year running, with 65.6 million people displaced around the world – more than the population of Britain.

Article / 2017年6月22日


News / 2017年6月2日

In a statement to the Security Council, the head of the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHR) urges the international community to take urgent action to stem the world's largest food security crisis in Yemen.

Blog / 2017年5月26日

World leaders must step up and take action in fighting famine to prevent further catastrophic levels of hunger and deaths, said Oxfam. Ahead of the 43rd G7 summit, Oxfam urged world leaders to urgently address the issue of famine, currently affecting four countries at unprecedented levels.

Blog / 2017年5月23日

More than 31 million people, or one person every second, were uprooted in their home country in 2016 because of conflicts and disasters, an aid group has said.

Report / 2017年5月3日

A new study by the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex University and the New Weather Institute points to historical evidence that the sort of rapid, large scale social and economic change needed in the face of climate destabilisation has occurred before and could do so again.

Article / 2017年4月8日

The peoples of the world need the United Nations more than at any time since 1945. It must not allow itself to remain mainly as a vehicle for the aggregation of national interests, or worse, as an instrument of power to be deployed by the geopolitical giants - especially the United States.Three UN veterans make their case for reforming and reempowering the world's most ambitious organisation, by Hans-C. von Sponeck, Richard Falk amd Denis Halliday.

Article / 2017年3月16日
