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Article / 2016年10月4日

We need a deep rethinking of how we prioritize and respond to security threats. If we want a healthy Earth, justice, peace, and democracy, we need a 21st-century security agenda that addresses the causes of contemporary conflicts, encourages cooperation and diplomacy, and supports every person in their quest for a healthy and dignified life, writes David Korten.

Article / 2016年9月27日

Read a selected archive of STWR editorials that highlight the growing debate on sharing, with a round-up of sharing-related news, articles, reports and other activities from our monthly newsletters over the years.

Article / 2016年9月27日

Much has been made of the basic unfairness in how responsibility is shared between nations for ameliorating the refugee crisis. But the real question is the level of economic sharing that is needed to deal with its root causes, when the international response continues to be woefully inadequate.

Blog / 2016年9月13日

As world leaders gear up for the first ever UN Summit on refugees and migrants, civil society organisations already expect the summit to fail to agree any concrete steps for governments to share the responsibility for dealing with the escalating crisis. That is why calls for putting the equitable sharing of responsibility into practice will continue well after the Summits, reports Josephine Liebl of Oxfam International.

Blog / 2016年9月13日


Article / 2016年6月28日

UN children’s agency report highlights toll on youngsters by 2030 unless world leaders turn rhetoric into reality on fighting poverty.

News / 2016年6月24日

A coalition of NGOs strongly condemn the new EU policies to contain migration, calling on member states to shoulder their fair share of responsibility for protecting people who flee their homes.

Article / 2015年2月1日


Article / 2015年1月16日

Wie können wir zu der Erkenntnis gelangen, dass Teilen die Lösung für eine planetare Krise ist, und unsere einzig noch verbleibende Hoffnung für die Sanierung einer geteilten Welt? Diese Frage ist bei der Betrachtung der Ismen von zentraler Bedeutung, denn wir haben unsere Selbstgefälligkeit intellektualisiert, um sie als normal zu rechtfertigen.

News / 2014年12月8日

Share The World’s Resources (STWR) has launched a new campaign in order to catalyse a broader public debate on the need to strengthen and scale up diverse forms of economic sharing at the local, national and global level.​