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News / 2017年11月23日

The United Nations relief wing on Friday warned of famine-like conditions unfolding in Yemen, as a blockade on aid and other essential goods by a Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels there enters its 12th day.

Blog / 2017年11月1日

While President Trump’s 2018 budget proposes giving more than $700 billion to the military, it will come at the expense of trillions of dollars in cuts to the safety net over the coming decade. But an alternative is mapped out in The People's Budget, which aims to limit investment in the military and pump money into jobs, education, health care and climate resiliency. And it's getting growing support, writes Frida Berrigan for Waging Nonviolence.

Article / 2017年10月25日

Social movements from around the world are in Geneva this week to push the United Nations to adopt a binding treaty on corporations and human rights. Dorothy Guerrero explains why it is a crucial fight for Global Justice Now.

Article / 2017年10月17日

The world’s poorest pay more than a day’s wages for a single plate of food, according to a report from the World Food Programme, which reveals that the same bean stew can cost the average consumer in New York just $1.20, while the price tag is more than $320 in South Sudan.

Blog / 2017年10月6日

Against all odds, 122 countries agreed in July to ban nuclear weapons. At the heart of the United Nations treaty is an explicit ethical goal: to protect peoples of the world from the humanitarian catastrophe that would ensue if nuclear weapons were employed.

Article / 2017年10月4日

The number of those needing humanitarian assistance is at its highest since the end of the Second World War – some 145 million people. Several protracted crises in Africa and the Middle East are deteriorating and climate-induced emergencies, sometimes combined with violent conflict, continue to wreak havoc on vulnerable communities. Amid all this, United Nations-coordinated response plans remain severely underfunded.

Article / 2017年9月28日

In order to make the UN system really ‘fit for purpose’, member states and UN bodies have to take bold action to overcome selective multilateralism, the weakening of democratic governance, and the financial erosion of public institutions. A special issue article by Karolin Seitz and Jens Martens for Global Policy.

Article / 2017年9月28日

国連システムを真に「目的に適合」させるためには、加盟国と国連機関は、選択的多国間主義、民主的統治の弱体化、公的機関の財政的浸食を克服するために大胆な行動を必要とします。カロリン・ザイツ氏とイェンス・マルテンス氏によるGlobal Policy特別号記事。

Article / 2017年9月28日

'A sensible and effective foreign policy recognizes that our safety and welfare is bound up with the safety and welfare of others around the world.' By Bernie Sanders.

Report / 2017年9月18日

A UN report it reveals that in 2016 the number of chronically undernourished people in the world is estimated to have increased to 815 million, up from 777 million in 2015, although still down from about 900 million in 2000.